Being IN something is always important to us. When we are little kids we want to be "IN a club", so we make them up. We say things like, "I'm IN a band". "I'm IN scouts." "I'm IN A.A." or maybe "I'm IN a relationship." We may say, "I'm IN trouble." "I'm IN debt." Being IN something is kinda important to us as people. We are social beings in search of our identity and someway in which to relay that identity. Lots of the groups we are in even have uniforms or at least T-shirts, so people can see what we are in. Usually these things take a lot of work to remain IN. If we don't put effort into our girlfriend or husband we may no longer be IN a relationship. If we don't put hours of practice into an instrument, then we will no longer be IN a band and they will get a new kazoo player. If we don't put effort, accountability, and determination into A.A. then we will continue abusing alcohol.
Here lately I have tried to put a lot of effort IN being a Christian. I have tried to make myself feel sorry for sin. I have tried to make myself get up and pray. I have beat myself up over not being good enough, a "fake", and a lazy good-for-nothing jerk when it came to loving Christ. That all gets pretty exhausting and makes for a grumpy Christian.
I read about a nun from the 1500's named Teresa of Avila. She seemed to have the same problems I have at time. She finally got to the point that she stopped praying because she felt too wretched and evil to do something as intimate as prayer.
In Bible college I was taught this amazing Bible reading fact. If something is repeated over and over and over, it might be important, so pay attention to it. (I know, pretty profound, huh.) This happened recently in the Letter to the Ephesians in the Bible by the Apostle Paul. I started noticing a repetition. The words "IN CHRIST" or "IN HIM" just jumped off the page and kinda smacked me upside the head. Here are just a few things that Paul says happens when we are "IN Christ".
Chapter 1
v1 we are saints
v1 we are faithful because of it
v3 we have every spiritual blessing because of it
v4 we are chosen
v5 we are adopted
v6 we are freely given his glorious grace
v7 we have redemption
v9 we will know the mystery of his will
v11 we are chosen and it is God's plan
v12 we have hope
v13 we are included, saved, and marked with the Holy Spirit
v23 we are filled with his fullness
Chapter 2
v7 he will show the incomparable riches of his grace and kindness
v10 we are God's workmanship, created to do good works
v13 we have been brought near to God
v22 "you too are being built together (all believers) to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
There is much more in the Ephesians and the New Testament about being "IN Christ". In fact I did a quick search and found "in Christ" 145 times in the New Testament. This doesn't even count when Jesus said phrases that include "IN me" or Paul said, "IN him" or other variations. So here is something that hit me. The fact that we are "IN CHRIST", might be more important, and powerful, than being "IN myself". That's what it really boils down to, my attitude and thoughts about myself. It's "IN me". What I am doing, what I am reading, and how I am acting. This whole being a Christian may not really be based on how we feel, how we see ourselves, how good we are at the disciplines, or even how wretched or evil we might really be. I think when we do this, we make ourselves out to be God; we think God doesn't really know what he's talking about, or that God can't really do all those things in us.
So from what I gather the Christian life might be easier and much better if I turn this over and live it "IN CHRIST" instead of "IN Mitch". I allow God to do the work in me that he apparently already has planned and predestined me to do. I let God do the saving and the giving of grace and incomparable riches. I allow his Spirit to bring me near to God and adopt me as his kid.
So I guess we need to get into the mindset of "I'm IN Christ" more than in anything else.
Take a pencil, ink pen, crayon, and as you are reading through your Bible mark the "IN Christ" passages along with the blessing or benefit of being there. This is going to become a practice I'm really going to get IN to, and I haven't seen the t-shirt yet.
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