Wednesday, October 8, 2014


All of these tips and tricks for staying or getting focused don't work all the time. They do work most of the time, and sometimes have to be done in different combinations. But they are always worth trying. These also work for those of you who have Attention Focused Order.

Beginning a new job kinda gives me a clean start. I get to set things up how I want them in my office. I can control what is there and off and out. (Don't tell that to Ms. Priss in the desk behind me. She'll prove me wrong.) So I am trying to collect and compile the little things that help.

Trying to figure out what works and what doesn't is not as easy as you think. Things that work, you really don't realize it, because they are not distracting you. Things that don't work, you don't remember because your chasing other little thought and ideas like a hound dog after a rabbit.

With some help of a few other buddies who think like I do, here are some more things that seem to work.

1. Hard Deadlines

I like hard deadlines. I like them way in advance. It doesn't mean I'm going to get it done way in advance, but I know what is expected of me and when it is due. I will start it when I first learn about it, but I might be up at 3am to have it finished on time. Those "whenever-you-get-it-done" projects don't get done. (ask my wife, I have a list a mile long of not completeds) Most husbands do have this problem with their wife's list, but this is with everything.

2. Instrumental Music

This helps me. I like epic movie music. Wandering tunes through the Shire. The sound of battlefields in Scotland. The rhythm of the plantation in the south. The feel of battles across the galaxies. I like the idea that my little mundane life has some sort of far reaching impact and will change the world as i know it. Ok, it won't. But, if attacking paper work with a sense of  defeating the foul nemesis to send it back to the metal filing drawer of the abyss helps, then so be it. You have to listen to what works for you. Sometimes it's helpful, sometimes not, but experiment and you'll figure it out. My opinion is if that music gave Samwise the strength to carry Frodo up Mount Doom, maybe it will do the same for me.

3. No Notifications

I turn off all the notification on my computer. No email flash in the lower right hand corner. No FB pings. No text message tones. It all gets turned off when I have to work or concentrate on something. Actually it's usually turned off anyhow. If you don't know how to do it write yourself a note so you don't forget what your task is and hit the F1 key while in the program to search for it. Turn notifications off.

4. Preparing to Work

Preparing to accomplish something is like a dog preparing to lay down. Sniff the area, walk around it sniffing. Come back. Sniff the area again. Dig a little. Lay down. Dig a little more, sniff, lay down, lather, rinse, repeat. Lay down. Getting me ready to work is as much work as doing the work. Clearing the area, removing distractions. Get a drink. Sit down. Scan the area. Remove other distractions. Get the tools and books. Get a drink. Wait I already did that. Oh well, I have two now. Which one do I drink first. Sit down. Get up and change into comfy cloths. Sit back down. Maybe work. Make sure you have what you need and ONLY what you need. Pop a few Altoids. Drink a Monster energy drink. Oh wait, already had two drinks. Get to work.

5. Specify End Results

When asking a person with ADD to do a task for you, teach a lesson, preach a sermon, plan a meal, build or make something, BE SPECIFIC. Whatever-you-want-to-do's only give us a sense of anxiety and eminent failure. You see we know how things go in our brain. We know we try and try and still come up short of expectations. We have thoughts and good ideas and loose them. LOTS of them. So be specific. Give us a very narrow window of the end result, then leave us alone. Don't micromanage, or tell us how to do. Our opinion is if you want it that specific, do it yourself and I'll go over hear and play with something.

6. Drink heavily

Our brains need water. It activates it and hydrates it. It helps those little neurotransmitters stay fueled and firing. Drink lots of water. It helps everyone with focus and attention so it has to help us as well.

I'm pretty careful about this one. Energy drinks are a poor substitute for vitamins and nutrients, but they can help at times. Energy drinks with B vitamins and Ginkgo Biloba can give a shot of NOS to your brain if you need it. The extra sugars and corn syrup can have negative effects. The high dose of caffeine, a stimulant, can make the brain too relaxed. So drink them carefully, if at all. A coffee has enough caffeine to relax my brain and get it focused, or help me get to sleep.

7. Turn the lights off

I turn the lights out a lot. This causes my eyes to focus on whatever I light up and shuts everything else out. I get up and work in the morning a lot while it is still dark, for this very reason, but I'm not a night owl. Light, like TV and hand held devices stimulate the brain in different ways, so turn those lights off as well. Remember the point is to remove distractions and calm the brain so you can focus on something specific. I have the lights out a lot and that really helps. 

8. Leave us alone

One of the worst things to do is stop a focused person. If we are in the grove and being productive and really absorbed in our work, leave us there. Unless of course the building is burning down around us or the zombie apocalypse is beginning. We may not get that kind of focus for a couple of days, so let us and you take advantage of it.When we are focused we can be very productive and creative and turn out some good stuff.

These are just things I've found to help with focus. Your list might be different or similar. Maybe let me know if you do somethings that I've not listed. If I come up with more, I'll share them. If not, then I probably forgot I made this list and will keep doing things the same old way.

Keep watching out for squirrels.

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