Thursday, December 15, 2011

Peace on Earth

Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1)
Peace with God. I don’t know if you think the way I do, but I have a hard time excepting peace, forgiveness, and grace for myself. I know what goes on in my mind. I know what rises up in my heart. I even think the way I smell after working outside all day is repulsive. I wake up with morning breath and think, how could anything, much less an all knowing God, want a relationship with me.  I know the feeling I have and all the ways in which I lack in my maturity in Christ. and I know the conflict that goes on in my mind over my salvation. 
Now, I can give peace and forgiveness. I can even tell you, quote scripture, and pray and lead you to salvation. I can give you scripture of God’s reconciliation and desires to be in a right relationship with us as humans. But I have a hard time excepting it for myself. 
Now this is not peace of mind. Where your mind is clear and calm, and flowers are blooming and birds are singing and everything is good and right with the world. this is a peace in this verse of an end to conflict. 
Peace with God means that we have been reconciled with him. There is no more hostility between us, no sin blocking our relationship with him. Peace with God is possible only because Jesus paid the price for our sins through his death on the cross.A perfect example of the definition of peace, proving you care more about others than winning an argument.” 
In Chapter 5:8 it says, “God demonstrated his love for us in this; while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” 
I can get that. but then he goes on. 
verse 10 “For if, when we were God’s enemies we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” If Jesus was willing to die for us as sinners, how much more will he do for as as his brothers and sister. That is his ministry now, to keep us in relationship with him. This is a fact I remind myself of often. Not as much as I use to.
As we stop everything, and try to get a little peace of mind to sit and talk with God, remembering his sacrifice. Remember that he has reconciled us to himself. He Got rid of everything that did keep us from him. The details are different for each of us, but the basics is sin. 
You might be like me, having to remind yourself, God does want me, loves me, and has given me a peace treaty he won’t break. 
You might be totally different from me, its something you have complete confidence in, and it never crosses your mind. Enjoy your time. 
Or, You might be sitting there having never accepted his love for you. You’ve never accepted his reconciliation. Give in. He is a God that has this absurd love for humanity. It doesn’t make sense to me. But he does and he proved it. 

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